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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Back to School NIGHTMARE #1!

Do you have nightmares before school starts?   I always do.  I didn't think I would this year,  because I am sort of ready to go back but  I think it is the stress of getting ready.    The nightmares usually have something to do with not getting finished, or showing up on the wrong day for meet the teacher or something... but this one was different  and SCARY!  

I had a dream that I walked in on the first morning of school,  and everything looked perfect,  my class was all cute and happy and waiting and I looked over into my desk chair and there was a  adorable little boy there.   He was smiling,  so I said hello and told me to, "get out".   I told him to go find his seat and he told called me some names and  told me that he would be "running this show".   I asked him who he was and he told me I should know,  I should have been warned.   I got closer to him and he pulled out a teeny tiny pair of scissors (like nail scissors) and stabbed me in the shoulder.   I started freaking out and calling for help.   Everyone kept laughing and telling me he was just a little kid and "to get over it".   So I went back in the room and he was laughing and pulled out a yellow wrench and hit me in the side of the forehead.  I was bleeding and yelling and everyone told me to get over it again.  So I just ran out into the hall.  That was the end of the dream.

What the world was that???!!!!  LOL!

Please tell me I am not the only one who has nightmares in anticipation of the new year! 

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  1. Hi Heidi,
    No you are not the only one. After 22 years, I still have school nightmares. I usually dream about the classes that will not do anything I ask them to do.

  2. YIKES! I always have school nightmares, too, but they haven't started yet this year--fingers crossed, lol!

    Teach On.

  3. I have had nightmares before but nothing like that. I'd be on the lookout for a wrench-wielding little guy this year ;)

    The Caffeinated Teacher

  4. This is my 19th year of back to school nightmares- usually start a month before I go back- this year, a little earlier! I moved schools over the summer so I think I have more anxiety about school this year!

  5. Oh my, now I feel better about my nightmare last night. I was 75% done setting up my room before I went to bed last night. I dreamt that I woke up to an email telling me there had been a small fire in my room and I was going to have to move my class to a portable, that they didn't have yet, and all my stuff had been ruined. And teachers have to be back to work on Tues. I woke up all freaked out. Luckily it was just a dream. Now I am 99% done in my room after today. :)

  6. I am so impressed that you have some much done! I guess it gets to all of us!

  7. This is my first year having nightmares about B2S! I've already had 3! Admin switching me grade level and classrooms on the FIRST DAY! Students who are off the CHAIN and being incapable of getting through to them and NOT being prepared and being observed by a colleague I'm not too crazy about! ugh! I wish they would stop :(
