He came to talk to our second graders for Veterans Day. He was so amazing. He told our kids about his military career, his tours of duty, his experiences, his accident, his super cool wheelchair (the kids were AMAZED by all it could do) and his love our country. He told the kids that even knowing what he knows now, he would not have changed a thing, he was so PROUD of his work to defend our country. He answered 84,000 questions that ranged from, "Did you get to keep your guns?" to "What do you like to eat?".
Our kids were so proud to present their donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. They made over $700 selling Popcorn for Patriots. Jack explained how much that money would mean to our veterans coming home learning how to live with new disabilities. It was a great way to celebrate and honor our veterans. Our kids are now all fired up about writing letters to veterans.
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