Linking up with Doodlebugs for Five for Friday again. I missed last week because I was in North Carolina at my sweet cousin Chad's wedding. It was SO much fun. I love my family so much. The wedding was at a farm, the weather was awesome and the whole mood of the wedding was so fun. The wedding party was introduced to the song "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", and they all came out dancing. Here is a picture of Chad and his new wife Elsbeth dancing. Are they the cutest couple ever? I think so! And the truth is they are even sweeter than they are cute, which seems impossible! True story.

One of my kids walked into the classroom this morning and shouted, "Hey, I'm not wearing underwear today!". That sort of set the tone for the rest of the day.... our field day. Our shirts say field day is good, but I am not entirely convinced. It was a weird and kind of gross day. I am not feeling all that well (sinus infection and huge headache) and it was a really weird weather day. It was foggy and cold in the morning (when we were doing water activities) - and hot and humid and sunny in the afternoon (when were playing tug-a-war)- which led to a LOT of whining about being too hot or too cold. The kids didn't like it much either....lol! It was not a bad day, just exhausting I guess. My kids were out of their minds excited, which can be go in a lot of different directions - and did.
Field day at our school has some water events - like my favorite on a cold day, "Squirt your Teacher", and some field events. The kids take their shoes on and off a lot and are sometimes too excited to remember to pick anything everything up before moving on. After a few events, we always have a lot of random wet, socks laying around the playground. Ewwwwwww.....
This was one of the kid's favorite events, but it GROSSED me out. They stepped into this little pool with another person.... and used their toes to grab "gemstones" out. Then they ran back to the line and the next person set their monkey toes in action. The team with the most at the end won. Oh that water....foot juice.
All my whining aside, our PE coach Sara, and the specials team, did an amazing job coming up with all the activities. I would venture to guess that it is the most organized field day in America! I have no idea how long it must take her to organize and plan all of it. Volunteers run every station - which is wonderful! The kids had a BLAST - and that is what it is all about.
Our amazing PTA also made the day a lot easier by providing a great lunch for us. They made a ton of delicious salads and sandwiches for us. And they brought us all a bag of AWESOME school supplies! Pink duct tape, pink patterned duct tape, post-its of every size, Command hooks, adhesive tape, Crazy glue, labels, Post-it pens.... Seriously, the best gift ever for this school supply obsessed girl!
My sweet kids gave me lots of extra hugs, cards, letters, poems and love this week. I love this one. She made an acrostic poem for me. I LOVE that she used my first name! Her mom is one of my teammates, so she hears my first name as often as my last! So sweet!
I am looking forward to Mother's Day this weekend. We made these cute little Pinterest inspired cards for moms in class. They turned out really cute. Their messages were adorable. One of my boys wrote, "I love you Mom, thanks for feeding me." They had a lot of great ideas ready for their moms this weekend. I hope they spoil them all day!
Sounds like a crazy field day! We have a "Sports Day" coming up in a few weeks that sounds similar, but we keep our shoes on. :) How do you misplace a sock?!
ReplyDeleteAww, what a fun wedding! We are having a field day this year, but I get to work in my class while support staff runs the games! I am looking forward to that. Have a great weekend:)
Surfin' Through Second
Wow! You've been busy. :) I love, love, love the field day shirts!
ReplyDeleteBrandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
Could I hire your brother to model for my sight word packs??? Love!
ReplyDeleteThat wedding looks dreamy. I long for the farm life, given that I've lived in sardine-can Chicago all my life {well save for college}. Your blog is hilarious...the underwear and socks had me in stitches...
2nd grade was my favorite grade. I miss that group of kids.
It's nice to have met you thru the 5 for Friday...stay in touch.
The Classroom Creative